Cross staves notation error

• Aug 29, 2019 - 07:01

I was doing the cross staves notation, and made mistakes and ended with a greyed out + sign. See the screen shot attached. How do I get rid of '+' sign without redoing the whole score.

Can anyone help?


Attachment Size
cross staves error.PNG 20.42 KB


In reply to by Jul4074

We can't anylaze the isseue and resolve it from just seeing a picture.
On the picture we can see that indeed you have an irregular measure there, but can't tell why and how exactly to fix it.

I can't see how this might possible be related to cross staff notation.
Is that 'excess' note supposed to be in the next measure?
All the measures there look severly corrupted, none of them sum up to the same total duration.

In reply to by mike320

Maybe there is? I think the low Ab on the bottom staff on beat one and the low Db on beat 4 are really in the top staff. Meaning, the measure isn't even corrupt, it just has an extra beat exactly as per the "+" indication. So assuming one of those beats wasn't intended, simply select it and press Ctrl+Delete. I'm guessing the OP accidentally inserted a note with Ctrl+Shift somewhere along the way than adding it normally. Probably the last two notes of the bottom staff should be cut and to start on beat 4 rather than 5, and then beat 7 deleted with Ctrl+Delete. Then it will match the next measure better, which I assume was the goal.

So in this case, I think that probably sorts things out even with the actual score being posted. But for the record, yes, almost always it is better to attach a score than a picture. Otherwise, we have to do a lot more guessing and it takes everyone a lot longer.

In reply to by Jul4074

The answers you receive are directly proportional to the amount of information you provide.
Obviously the "picture" information you provided is not enough.
Participants ask for the source of this picture so that they can review it.
And it's good that someone is interested in the matter and wants additional information to solve the problem.

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