extending notes to replace the rest that comes after it
Hi in order to bring a manageable version of a midi file into musescore, I make the durations 1/8 note, this makes it easy to confirm that the notes are falling where they should. If I want to clean it up in Musescore to extend any particular note to the length of itself plus the rest that comes directly after it, is there any shortcut to do that quickly by selecting the note and rest?
select the note by clicking on it, it becomes blue, and use the numéric keyboard for the lenght. 5 for a quater note, 6 for an half, 7 for a whole etc, and .........READ the HANDBOOK, you'll find all you need
In reply to select the note by clicking… by Raymond Wicquart
Hi Raymond that is not what I am trying to do. What I want to do is select a note and the select one or more subsequent rests and have the note be extended in length to replace those rests. I don't want to calculate the total length that the note must be, I would prefer that musescore do that for me by simply combining the total length of the note plus rests that I selected ie. an 1/8note plus an1/8 note rest plus an 1/8th note rest = a dotted quarter note (replacing the 2 rests)
This is particularly useful when you are cleaning up wonky midi files imported from a daw like reason.
There is no single shortcut though that would lengthen an arbitrary duration note by a subsequent arbitrary duration rest
In reply to There is no single shortcut… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi Jopo neither the rests or note are arbitrary, they are the ones I specify by selecting them specifically
In reply to Hi Jopo neither the rests or… by owlis
Well, these durations are arbitrary in the sense that they vary from sitation to situation. And no single shortcut is available for this.
This might a a task a plugin could do maybe?
But not all of the possible duration combinations are available as a single duration (e.g. 8th note and half rest or vice versa), so you'd need to resort to using tied notes at times
In reply to Well, these durationa are… by Jojo-Schmitz
OK thanks for the explanation