Some overlap fixed, please!

• Oct 8, 2019 - 05:02

Hi, gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.2.3 in Ubuntu Studio 19.04 (64 bits Linux).

I wish the development team fix some, still, visual overlap issues:

1) When we select from a whole bar to other whole bar and we put an increase or decrease dynamics line, the resulting line could be set more longer than the already set dynamics indications (ppp, fff, etc). We have to manual decrease the physical lenght of that lines. Why not to automatically adjust this?

2) When we use more than one voice in a single staff and, in some specific bar bit, one voice is sound and the other has a rest, if the note of the singing voice is too close to the rest position, there is a annoying visual overlapping effect. We have to manually move the rest to another position. Why not to get this automatically?

Just my personal which!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



I'm not quite following what you are asking for 1), please attach a score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

2) is the same as what you just asked about a few days ago, as I said then, it something we'd eventually like to handle better, but there are no immediate plans to implement any automatic placement of rests to avoid notes. It would have to be handled very differently from how the rest of the automatic placement works, so it would not be a simple thing to design and implement.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, Marc!!!

Well the attached file can be useful, if you erase and put again the dynamics variation lines:

1) Select the first whole bar (where the ppp symbol is) of the oboe staff.

2) Now, select the 8th whole bar (where the fff symbol is).

3) Put an increase dynamic line "<" to fill all the selected bars.

Well, you will have a visual overlapping.

The software should know what is our final intention, in a smart way, Don't you think?

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