Mid-staff transposition change

• Oct 31, 2019 - 01:30

I'm copying an orchestral score where the horn parts switch between F and E horns. Can this be done mid-staff? I know how to do a mid-staff instrument change, but I'm having trouble getting into the local transpose settings.


Horns usually don't have a key signature, right? So right from the beginning, you should get rid of the key signature by applying a local key signature (hold Ctrl when attaching) of F major. So when Horn in F changes into Horn in E, no more key signature will appear.

Or if you want the key signature, you can simply add a local key signature of the key in concert pitch after the instrument change.

In reply to by Howard-C

You are correct that I can get the printed notes to look right without changing the transpose settings. However, the played notes will not be right if I generate a MIDI file. Is there a way to change the transpose settings mid-staff so that both the printed notes and the played notes will be correct? Or do I just need to split the horn parts into two staffs (one transposing in F and another transposing in E), and show or hide each staff as appropriate?

In reply to by djcarr

Use a mid staff instrument change like any other. The name of the Horn in E is actual E Horn for some strange reason. I've done this many times.

One thing about mid staff instrument changes. The default for the templates is to have one horn with two staves. This is not good when the first horns are in one key and the second horns are in another key because a mid staff instrument change affects the entire instrument. Since the default is actually one instrument with two staves so you need to add a new instrument so you can change instruments independently.

In reply to by djcarr

If you used Horn in E as your instrument when doing the change, transposition should be handled automatically. If you didn't, try that instead. Also, starting with 3.3 (released just a few hours ago), you can right-click the staff somewhere after the instrument change and set the transposition manually in Staff Properties.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score so we can assist better.

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