empty "volta" line?
Hello again
Is there anything like the volta or octave lines (above the measure) that permit custom text insertion? Pedal marks won't flip upside down. Constructing one with 2 separate lines is laborious and prone to misalignment when the measure shifts.
thank you
In the advanced workspace there is a line with a Roman Numeral VII and a line with a hook on it. This is the line you are looking for...I think. Unlike the voltas, you cannot put the text under the line.
In reply to In the advanced workspace… by mike320
What is the Advanced workspace?
In reply to What is the Advanced… by mmserp
Ok, apparently I've been using the advanced all along. I didn't realize the F9 is "advanced". Unfortunately the Roman numeral acts like the voltas--no text capability. I need one where I can add text. The voltas won't let me replace the numbers with custom text.
In reply to Ok, apparently I've been… by mmserp
F9 is the palettes. If you see the roman numeral then you have the advanced workspace open. Apply the line, select it and press F8 to open the inspector. This will give you line options like dotted line, hooks on each end (like a volta 1) and the text used. You can change the text to anything you like and you have several format options associated with the text.
See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/lines for more info.
In reply to F9 is the palettes. If you… by mike320
I added a VII line, clicked it and opened F8. I don't get any of the options you mention: no hooks, no text. Just line visible, line style and thickness. Clicking the "VII" just opened the position adjustment boxes.
In reply to I added a VII line, clicked… by mmserp
There are headings like Element, Line, Text line detail and Text line. These all have a triangle next to them that indicates that if you click them they will expand.
In reply to There are headings like… by mike320
No, nothing like that.
Element has color and horizontal, vertical offset under it.
Line has line visible, allow diagonal, line color, line thickness.
Only triangle is for line style: continuous, dashed, dotted, etc.
In reply to No, nothing like that… by mmserp
I need a picture of what you are seeing.
In reply to I need a picture of what you… by mike320
screenshot of score with VII line selected and Inspector open
In reply to screenshot of score with VII… by mmserp
You're still using version 2. In that case right click the line and choose line properties and you can change the text and hooks. The formatting for the text is accessed through the ... box to the right of the text.
In reply to You're still using version 2… by mike320
Ran a few tests and will need more to place text properly, but at least it allows custom text. Haven't found a way to hide the "VII" since it Musescore doesn't recognize it as a separate element of the line like it recognizes note heads, stems, etc. of a note.
Thank you very much.
In reply to Ran a few tests and will… by mmserp
that "VII" is the "Begin Text" of that line in Inspector
In reply to that "VII" is the "Begin… by Jojo-Schmitz
Actually, that "VII" is the "Begin Text" of that line, in right click -> Line Properties... (for MuseScore 2).
In reply to Actually, that "VII" is the … by Jm6stringer
Ok thank you
I will need more experiments to make the text align underneath the line. (horizontal and vertical offsets for each of the 3 segments)
In reply to Ok thank you I will need… by mmserp
Set placement to below, alignment to top, then if necessary a small additional vertical offset.