Measures keep extending

• Nov 30, 2019 - 02:52

Hi, I'm pretty new to musescore

I'm starting a new piece and I can't get the measures to fill in correctly. It's in 4/4. I start by left-clicking the first measure, then hit 'N', then hit '5' for a quarter note, and then 'C', or 'G'; whatever note I'm trying to add. After I hit the letter on the keyboard for the note, or left click on the staff, it adds the note in front of the rest, extending the measure by a beat. I've tried breaking up the rest, deleting rests, whatever. I can't get it the note placer to replace the rest occupying the measure with notes. It just keeps adding beats in front of the rest and I can't get the right beats in or move to the next measure

What can I do? This is very frustrating for the fundamentals. I've followed tutorials step by step, and the program won't behave like those in the video

Thanks in advance


In reply to by matthewhillier

You need to put everything you can in every staff in voices 1 & 2, only use voices 3 & 4 if you need more than 2 notes on a beat. You score looks like it will be a vocal score. Don't confuse singing voices soprano, alto, tenor and bass with notation voices 1, 2, 3, & 4. Tenor does not mean voice 3, it means tenor. In a closed score like this, its notes belong in voice 1 of the bass clef and the bass notes belong in voice 2.

In reply to by Carlisticeday

You are in insert mode rather than Step-time note entry mode. You need to find the icon with the 8th note and the + next to it then click the tringle to the right of it and select Step-time mode for note entry. You can get rid of extra rests by selecting them and pressing ctrl+shift+delete.

In reply to by Carlisticeday

you can also move the notes together so that all the unwanted rests are at the end of the measure and the notes are in the order you wanted at the beginning, then right-click the measure, select "measure properties", and reset the actual duration to match the nominal duration. as mike320 said, do make sure you switch the note-adding mode (towards the top left of the MS screen) back to "step-time" rather than "insert". i don't know why it changed; that happened to me too.

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