MIDI File import, unexpected EOF on Windows
Reported version
S4 - Minor
When I try to import (load) the attached midi file (OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: d2d863f), I get the erroe message: "bad midi file, unexpected EOF".
My Timidity AE Midi Player for ex. (on Android) is able to play this file.
Attachment | Size |
Ariana Grande - Focus.MID | 116.21 KB |
...Ableton Live 10 can import and play this file too....
I opened it in 3.3.3 without problem.
Open the file with a MIDI editor and save it again.
And try opening this new file again in the Musescore.
The sample file is attached.
Both versions of the file posted here open fine for me in 3.3.3 on Linux. Is anyone else able to reproduce a problem in 3.3.3?
In reply to Both versions of the file… by Marc Sabatella
This problem appears to be specific to the windows version.
Confirmed. Windows' Media Player opens it though
Dear all,
thank you for you quick and great engagement - really!!!
To load the midi into a midi editor and newly store a copy is a good workaround!
@ Ziya Mete Demircan: What editor you have used?
...and again it's confirmed:
Linux is the better Windows ;o)
Best Regards
In reply to Dear all, thank you for you… by HarryBi
Musescore is the only one with problems in windows....neither reaper neiteher finales by bye
I found this in a Hexa Editor midicomp a tool to go and back from midi to txt and viceversa put to the end 4 character in hexa 00 00 00 00 but the files that read ok musescores is with 00 ff 2f 00 . For example I export from Reaper and has 00 FF 2F 00 AND MUSESCORE READ OK , BUT REPEAR READ OK WITH 00 00 00 00 IN THE END , Musescore should to acept 00 00 00 00 as another end too not only 00 FF 2F 00 THE 4 ascii THAT NEED MUSESCORE ARE 0 255 47 0 or in hexa as i mention 00 FF 2F 00, wE CAN do a program that delete the 4 bytes and append those 4 characters---
In reply to This problem appears to be… by Ziya Mete Demircan
Try this fix:
1. open MIDI file by AUDACITY software (www.audacity.it)
2. do not edit the file, just save it from FILE - Export MIDI
Now the MIDI file saved by AUDACITY will work under MUSESCORE. On my PC it worked
In reply to (No subject) by Jojo-Schmitz
[inline:Andre Van Duin - Als De Zon Schijnt-z01.mid