Changing where the last measure ends

• Dec 11, 2019 - 15:02

I am working on a score. The default seems to be to place the last measure at the end of the last line. As result, some measures are stretched out too much while others are too short.

Can I override forcing the last measure to the end of the last line?



You wrote:
The default seems to be to place the last measure at the end of the last line.

This seems logical, as placing the last measure into the middle (or beginning) of the last line would no longer make it the last measure.

You can, however, move the last measure to a new line by clicking the penultimate measure (or barline) and pressing 'Enter'. This will place the (now solitary) last measure on a newly created last line.

Please attach your score if you need more info.

When I want to control the end point of the last line of my scores, I use Add=>Frames=>Append Horizontal Frame from the last bar, then I set the width of the new frame as needed. Keep in mind that I'm still using MuseScore 2.3.2, so maybe the command I just reported has been moved "elsewhere".

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