Access denied
Windows 10 Professional
Musescore version 3
BitDefender virus scanner
When did problem occur for the first time? 11 Dec 2019
Workaround: using VPN connection (different IP address)
Description problem:
Any endpoint seems to result in a 403 (access denied).
When I use a VPN connection (like I'm doing now), it seems to work fine.
It is very hard to tell you when this issue exactly arose. I can tell you that I had some serious problems uploading a score (Musescore complained that the score was broken. No clue why, since I didn't experience any problems within Musescore itself (Musescore version 3).
I tried to upload a score via the upload option (update) of the website. Since it didn't work with Musescore 2 I thought to be clever and try to use version 2. And guess what: it worked. But now I'm confronted with an access denied. Apparently my IP address is blocked for some reason (is the upload seen as a DoD attack?).
Could someone solve this issue?
Kind regards,
Rudolf de Grijs
Not for the issue tracker here at, Please report that at or to
Erratum: I had the upload problem with a score created in version 3. Switching to version 2 solved that problem. But I'm not sure if this problem is related to the described problem.
In reply to Not for the issue tracker… by Jojo-Schmitz
Mmmm.. then I do not understand why I got this link from helpdesk. But thx.
Not the first time they get this wrong...
And I'm not too sure whether it is a problem or one with your Pc, but the MuseScore program should not be the culprit
I see you posted it in now