Two minims 'connected' by double beam (not tremolos)? Beam as in Beam Properties as defined in MuseScore.

• Jul 3, 2019 - 20:36

The meaning of two minims connected by a double beam? 'Beam' as in a semiquaver beam, i.e. two beams joining two quavers to make two semiquavers)?
The musical notation I am copying is in common time and shows two pairs of minims per bar, each joined by a double beam. This must be accepted shorthand; but for what? The beam properties on MuseScore does not allow this shorthand, and so how does one expand it into its normal longhand notation?

Thanking you in anticipation of a reply.


Anthony probably does not mean a tremolo, but a short notation for alternating semiquavers (sixteenth notes). In his case 16 semiquavers (2x8). I'd like to know if this is possible in Musescore.

In reply to by Felixpica

That's what tremolo is. Or at least, one of the two definitions, the other is alternation of a signle note. Anyhow, the more modern notation for tremolo is added via the Tremolo palette (use the icons without the stems), but there are of faking this older style notation. If you do a web search of this forum you will find a number of suggestions.

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