1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th endings

• May 7, 2017 - 18:33

I have a 1st and 2nd ending. I would like to add a "3" to the second ending since it's on the 3rd pass through. Then I also need to place a number "4" in the first ending. Is this not possible? Will I need to make completely new additional 3rd. and 4th. endings?


You can't do what you want in MuseScore. You will have to make new endings. While people have done what you want in printed music, it isn't at all standard and MuseScore does not handle this situation.

In your example order, putting in the 3rd ending is fine. The 4th one will probably have to be done seperately; as having to increase the repeat count for that volta is what currently messes up MuseScore.

This is how far you can go before it fails (check the Volta properties and measure repeat count settings).

Attachment Size
197436_volta_14_23.mscz 3.76 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Jeetee I see you were still able to create them though. I don't need the sequence to be accurate. I just need the chart for players to be correct. You have it exactly as I would like it but I tried clicking on the numbers and can't edit them. How do I add the additional numbers?


I am trying to write out 3 alternate endings, but the first and third endings are the same and the second and fourth are different.

Te exaltamos - Marcos Witt.mscz

  1. First ending
  2. Second ending
  3. First ending (repeated)
  4. Fourth ending

I have tried clicking on the volta bracket and then right clicking and looking for the Line Properties option, but it is nowhere to be found. I am using Musescore 3.

Please help!

Attachment Size
Te exaltamos - Marcos Witt.mscz 23.02 KB

Newer versions of MuseScore (I'm in v.3) support this. Open the inspector palette (F8), Place a first-ending symbol (volta), select the volta in the score, and in the inspector, look at the "Line Text Details" section. There is an editable field where you can put ANY text that you want in the volta bracket. :) Example attached

Attachment Size
voltas.png 33.32 KB
inspector-text line.png 32.67 KB

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I was just trying to figure out how to do this in MuseScore 4.
For the benefit of others looking for that--especially those who never used MuseScore3 and don't what "the inspector" is:
Select the volta
Go to the View menu and select Properties (F8 shortuct also works)
Click the Text tab.
Key your numbers into the "Beginning text" field.

So far this is the only way I've been able to get it to work.

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