Combining unmeasured and measured music

• Feb 3, 2020 - 13:09

I am transcribing a lute Fantasie for guitar and have encountered a problem. The 1st section of the Fantasie is improvisatory sounding and is unmeasured. It is followed by an imitative section which is measured. At the end of the first section, although time signature and bar lines are hidden, Musescore is still keeping up with expected measures and fills in the remaining beats of the last "measure" with rests. It will not allow me to end the section on what it considers to be the 2nd beat and start the second section. Any suggestions? I have created the two sections in tow separate files, but would like to put them together without the rests in between.


In reply to by kuwitt

Thanks. That is what I was hoping for, except I would also like to put in the common time signature on the second part. How did you do it? What does the return sign at the end of the first part signify?

In reply to by fifthstepmoak

I hope I don't miss anything in my response ;-), else ask again:

I noticed you deselected "show bar lines" and "show time signature" in staff properties. Let both stay activated.

For the "senza misura"/unmetered measures I selected the measures and joined theses measures via tools->measure. I selected the note, it doesn't fit into the system an selected tools->measure->split measure before selected note/rest. At the end of a system I selected the bar line inside the unmetered measure andd pressed "v" (also possible deactivating ""visible" inside the inspector). What I didn't selected, but surely necessary for the unmetered part to select measures of this part, right click->measure properties and exclude it from measure count.
Also as you noticed I inserted system breaks.
In this way you should add a time signature for the metered part and deselect the time signature for the unmetered part (via "v" or inside the inspector).

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