adding new pages

• Mar 15, 2020 - 10:35

Okay, I've looked all around the other questions for page adding but they've all been saying that it simply adds the pages as needed, well for me it's just shrinking the measures down and I would like a second page, any help?


It really adds page as needed, you haven't to do anything special for that.
Note also that :
-just added measures are empty, and empty measures don't take much place. You'll see that once you start to add notes they will expand and flow into a new page.
-musescore tries to balance your staves on the page, so the first added measures can indeed give the impression that it only shrinks the score instead of going to next page
-you can enforce a larger space between staves if you want
-you can add page breaks where you want if you wish to force the page breaks at a specific place

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