Pitch of notes not always correct

• Mar 17, 2020 - 11:23
Reported version
S3 - Major
by design

Look into the attached file. For example at bar 41. The Alt line is written as E E E E Fis but sounds like E E E E E.
The tenor line is written wit all B's but sounds like B B B B A B B B B.
In the Bas line The # sign is not carried to the next notes in the bar. In bar 12 there similar problems
Note that always a 1/16th note seems to be involved in the problems.

System: OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 148e43f

Attachment Size
FragileN.mscz 34.68 KB


The notes' positions have been shifted. So the F in bar 4 was entered as an E and it's vertical (y) and horizontal (x) offsets have been changed. Changing the offset does not change the pitch, only the visual appearance. If you select the E and look in the inspector in the "Chord" section. You will see that the Y offset is -0.42 sp. If you set that to zero the note will move down to sit on the E line. The X offset moves the note left-right rather than up-down.

It is not really clear to me what the intended pitch of the notes should be. However, to move the notes so that their written pitch agrees with the sounding pitch you can just use CTRL+R to reset all the offsets to zero.

The best way to change a note originally entered as an E to make it an F is to select it and use the up arrow (twice in this case as it actually needs to be an F#).

Frequency Many Once
Severity S2 - Critical S3 - Major
Status active by design

You change the chords (visual) vertical offset rather than its pitch, I guess by double clicking it rather then single-click. That it is a 16th on both cases is plain luck and irrelevant
Fixed score attached

Attachment Size
FragileN_0.mscz 34.2 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks both of you for your comments and information. I agree that I must have double clicked (albeit unwittingly) instead of single. ( I tested double clicking). And thanks Jojo for the attached file. Still some remarks:
1. It Surprises me quite a lot, to say the least, that I have not come across this problem earlier. I have been working with MuseScore already for years, constructing tens of scores. Thereby constructing first, the first stave (or part of it) and then copying it to the other staves. Of course the notes have to be adjusted, either collectively or individually) using this technique. The score under consideration is the first that gives me this problem and is the first constructed under the newest release. Could there be a connection??
2. I had always assumed that the written pitch (visual appearance) corresponded with the sounded pitch (to see is what you get).
What could the possible usefulness be, if this is not the case???
3. I know now that CTRL+R resets the chord offsets to zero (and sets the stem direction to auto, no problem).
However CTRL+R does something more. I used CTRL +R on the whole file you sent to me and then compared it to the original. See the attached file. I am not sure what the other things do, they might not pose problem at all, but I do not know. So what did you do to reset the offsets without doing the rest of the things indicated in the attached file???? (to be on the safe side)
Thank you.

Attachment Size
Aantekening 2020-03-19 102210.jpg 222.3 KB
  1. might be related to the relatively new concept of sing click edit mode? Not sure, I tried, but needed a double-click here
  2. rare corner cases mostly, esp. for vertical offset, not so much for horizontal offset though, sometimes needed to avoid collisions
  3. select element and use the reset buttons in inspector

I just looked that those you complain about ;-)

No, seriously, right-click one, select all similar and then in inspector use that reset button

In reply to by [DELETED] 1601771

I guess what you are hoping for is a facility to search for notes with non-zero offsets. There have been requests for an enhanced search function but unfortunately that facility doesn't exist yet.

I suggest that listening is probably the best way to find the "offenders". I usually "proof-listen" to stuff I have notated, and any mis-entries usually stick out like a sore thumb. Listen with your finger on the space bar and when you hear something that grates, hit the space bar to stop playback. Then explore the notes with the inspector. Another possibility would be to "animate" the off-set notes by repeatedly resetting their positions with CTRL+R and then undoing the reset with CTRL+Z. You should see any offset notes jump from their current position to their "real pitch" positions and back again.

CTRL+R resets all score elements to their default position as described here: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/keyboard-shortcuts (It is near the bottom of the page.)