Re-word certain shortcuts in preferences

• Apr 8, 2020 - 17:43

In the shortcuts menu there are a number of operations that start with the word toggle which is of absolutely no use in terms their function. Toggle just describes that they are in one of two states.

It would be far more useful to list them by the function they actually address and have the listing that they are a toggle switch placed after function they address.

For example, instead of (as displayed in the attached pic.) "Toggle 'Mixer'" of "Toggle 'Navigator"" they would read: Mixer - toggle and Navigator - Toggle.

The same could apply to "add" I think and perhaps others.

This would at least give newcomers a better chance.



In reply to by Shoichi

I think so. At the moment these refer to some action rather than referring to the function that the searcher wants to act upon. If I want to change an octave it makes more sense to me to search for octave rather than move or change.

And even when I get to "add" I still have to wade through all of the adds before I find that actual thing that I want to address.

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