Hybrid meters

• Apr 13, 2020 - 16:17

Musescore does not appear to handle hybrid meters correctly. 5/8 time, for example, has two beats of equal length, but one is composed of three pulses and the other of two pulses. There is a workaround, which is to use 2/4 time with triplets, but it would be better to be able to write in the hybrid meter.


To do so, click the timesig, see the properties button in the Inspector. Of it's a 5/8 you created yourself (I don't think there is normally one available by default) you could have set the properties then, and indeed, probably best to go back to the master time signature dialog and fix it there for future reuse.

Actually, now that re-read this, it’s actually incorrect. 5/8 is not two beats if equal length at all. The eights are all the same length. So whether you divide it as 3+2 or 2+3, the “3” side is longer than the “2” side. What you describe here really is2/4 with triplets on every other beat - not 5/8 at all.

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