finetuning/cent deviation

• Mar 1, 2016 - 21:18


On my last request (some time ago) you answered that there´s a whole bunch of microtonal accidentals on the master palette. Thanks, I found them!
Is there a possibility to apply a fixed cent deviation to a specific accidental? E.g. the sign saying "natural lowered by one syntonic comma" then would really lower the tone by (approx.) 14 cent in playback.
In an older musesore version you could do this note by note with "note properties", but I couldn´t find that feature in 2.0.2.
And it would be nice if the graphic layout would react to the placing of such an accidental.



In an older musesore version you could do this note by note with "note properties", but I couldn´t find that feature in 2.0.2.

Click on a note and, in the Inspector, you will see 'Tuning'.


Graphic layout *does* react to microtonal accidentals, if you use the ones on the Accidentals palette. If you use the ones on the Symbols palette, then no, MuseScore has no concept of what they "mean" so it cannot guess how to lay them out. You could place a more sytandard microtonal accidental from the accidentals palette for layout purposes and mark it invisible by selecting it and pressing "V" (or using the Inspector), then move the accidental from the Symbol palette directly on top.

At least the accidentals that I use are used in the same way as conventional ones.
Best, Martin, and thanks for making musescore :)

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