Handling Rests across Voices

• Mar 11, 2016 - 21:37

I think it would be great if parts where one voice starts after another later in the bar, the rests required to make the notes appear in the right place should have an option to hide them when printing, perhaps appearing greyed out if they were not for printing, or in black if they should be there.


But note, if a voice doesn't enter until later in a bar, the human musician reading the part normally needs those rests to know when to come in/. There are a few very specific situations where it can be OK to hide those rests, but in general, they are supposed to be there. If you are familaior with all the rules that cover these situations and are positive it is OK to hide a given rest, then indeed, you can use the "V" command (or Inspector) to hdie them, but in general, most of those rests need to be there to have correct readable notation.

Thank you for pointing the "V" shortcut out guys.
As a new user, I had not clocked that.
The more I use this program the better and better it gets.
Nice to have a very helpful forum too.

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