Playback midi like what musesocre does in a score download platform

• Mar 11, 2016 - 21:49

We are developing a tool that accepts a MIDI file input and play the input MIDI file like what musescore does. We have already collected many authorized scores and plan to provide them for users to download. Now we would like to allow users play with the scores before they decide to download, that is why we want to implement the functionality mentioned at the beginning. Does musescore provide any APIs for this functionality. Or could we have any hints for implementing this functionality with musescore or parts of the codes in musescore.


Hi, we would like to use musescore in our commercial project. Does musescore provide any interfaces that we input a PDF score and then we can get an audio file (like mp3 file) back. How can we bundle musescore in our project? Also any issues about license and copyrights we should notice? Thank you!

In reply to by raymond12365

MuseScore itself is licensed under GPLv2. You need to respect this license. You can contact if you have further question.

Does musescore provide any interfaces that we input a PDF score and then we can get an audio file (like mp3 file) back
Not really. has a service to convert PDF to MSCZ but it's very experimental and doesn't work in many cases. It uses Audiveris, which is also an open source project. If the conversion is successful (which again is often not the case), MSCZ can be further convert to audio with MuseScore.
If your commercial project requires PDF to Audio conversion... you'd better do some researches because it's not a trivial topic at all and there are no perfect solution for this at the moment, especially if the PDFs are scanned images.

In reply to by jeetee

Musescore can generate a visible score for a musicXML file. The corresponding note can be highlighted while the music is being played? How does musescore achieve synchronisation of cursor with playback? Is the visible score generated with a SVG file? If not, what kind of file is it generated with?

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