MuseScore not responding

• Apr 11, 2011 - 01:43


Every time I try to create a new document (either by pressing Ctrl+N or using the menu bar), MuseScore freezes and then displays "Not Responding" on the window title bar. If I try and close the program, it doesn't close. This has never happened before.

My computer runs just fine. It has 3 GB of RAM and has a 2.0 GHz CPU. MuseScore does not reduce my computer's performance, nor does my computer reduce MuseScore's performance. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software, but the problem does not go away.

Is this a bug? If anyone else has the same problem or a fix is suggested, please let me know here.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, I am using 1.0. However, I have MuseScore set to reload my previous session when I launch the program. Every time I try to create a new score (either from menu bar or Ctrl+N), MuseScore freezes and then stops responding (the window title bar displays "Not responding"). The program doesn't close even if I try to close it. This scenario occurs every time I try to make a new score.

I had previously used v. and then upgraded to 1.0. I had been able to use version 1.0 without this problem until recently. I completely uninstalled 1.0 yesterday and then reinstalled it again, but the problem did not go away.

I had something like that happen once. I found where Musescore kept the "musescore.ini" file, and renamed it. Musescore then created a new version of the file from scratch and it worked fine after that.

My musescore.ini file is located in C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\MusE but I believe the location varies with which version of Windows you have. I have Win7.

If that doesn't work, I think I would try removing and reinstalling the software.

I am having the exact same problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled many times, and every time I try to make a new score, the program crashes. I was able to create a new score once, and these are my steps that made it happen:

1. Set to 'create new score' when opening MuseScore.
2. MuseScore then crashed whenever it was opened - could not do anything with the program
3. Uninstalled and reinstalled
4. On opening the freshly installed MuseScore, I got the 'create new score' wizard! Created a score.
5. During that session, tried the 'create new score' button. It worked!
6. Since I now had a score to work with, I changed my startup option to 'restore last session.'
7. On all subsequent sessions of using MuseScore, 'create new score' once again causes the program to crash. Have never been able to make a new score since.

I am running MuseScore 1.0 on Windows 7
Also have tried nightly build 4196, and it had the same problem.

I also tried resetting the ini file as an above poster suggested, but it did not solve the problem.

Anyone know what's going on?

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