Impossible to make Musescore work!!! [Resolved - Nothing is impossible]

• Mar 18, 2016 - 19:00

Hello everyone!

For weeks I have been trying to install Musescore in my computer, trying different solutions that I have found online and different versions.

I am seriously about to give up on this, please could anyone help me??

My computer:
Intel Core i5-2450M
Windows 7 Home version
*I have Digidesign drivers installed for an old mini Mbox2 that I still use.
I installed Sibelius 7 First and it didn't work in the beginning due to apparently some conflict with these drivers so I reinstalled everything and now it works fine.

What I have tried:
- Using different versions (2.0.0,2.0.2, XP)
- Open as Administrator
- Reverted to factory settings
- Uninstall and reinstall

- Musescore will not even open, straight after executing the programme it comes up with an error "Musescore has stopped working"
- One of the times after uninstalling the programme, the Musescore2 folder in Program Files (86x) was still present and could not be removed as I didn't have access to it.
---Now this is resolved after rebooting the computer, first time that's ever happened to me!

Really have no idea and I just don't know what else to try!!!

Would really appreciate any help ,

Many thanks!


In reply to by Shoichi

Yes I have. I removed all references to Digidesign in the registry and after reinstalling that is when I could use Sibelius 7 First, as it seemed to have the same incompatibility. But Musescore just doesn't. Does it mean that there is no way I can have Musescore and the Digidesign drivers? I don't have the MME Refresh Service they reference in that thread.

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