Allow multi-select when setting pizzicato and arco directions

• Mar 26, 2016 - 13:34

MuseScore 2.0.2

With string quartet or string quintet, I often find that I want to set either "pizz." or "arco" on several staves at once. I have tried to do this as follows:
Multi-select > Right-click > Stave Text Properties... > select Voice 1 > select Pizzicato (or Normal for Arco)

But multi-select doesn't seem to work: the pizz or arco direction only gets applied to the last-selected item of the multi-select.

The attached image shows an example where this feature would be very useful.

Attachment Size
Multi_select_arco_pizz.png 34.89 KB


FWIW, it works to create a "pizz." marking with the playback options set and then add it to a custom palette (see Handbook). You can then add that to multiple elements at once by selecting them and double clicking the palette element.

I'd also would love to have the expressions pizz, arco, so that it would change all voices.
If one simply wants the text to appear and not the change in sound, it is always possible to "staff text - properties".
Or MuseScore could have something similar to the tempo changes where you have a checkbox to follow text.
I made a similar sugestion like 2 weeks ago. It would be very helpful.

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