Transcribing Chord symbols on Copy/Paste operation using arrow keys (Windows)

• Apr 23, 2011 - 21:22

When copying and pasting notes and/or measures, I can use the up and down arrow keys to transpose that selection on-the-fly. However, if chord symbols are included in the copy/paste selection, they are not transposed with the notes.

Chord symbols are transposed only if using the transpose feature in the menu. However, transposing the chords along with the notes after they copy/paste operation would be the logical and intuitive functionality. The issues would then be determining the correct symbol (enharmonic issues Bb or A# depending on the key). Of course, those could be edited by hand if necessary.


Hmm, I definitely would *not* want this behavior. I don't think of the arrow as being a "transpose" feature at all; it's a "change pitch" feature. So I use to, for example, lift an entire melody line up a third as a starting point for creating a harmonization. but I'd virtually never want it to transpose chord symbols. If I was truly transposing, I'd use the transpose feature.

I suppose something like holding "shift-ctrl" or some other keystroke combination while hitting the arrows could be made to do what you're describe in the cases where that would be desired.

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