text in columns

• Apr 4, 2016 - 09:51

I try to fit text and notes into one page. Can I make the text in 2 colums. There are 4 verses and I want 2 verses in column one and 2 in column two.

Attachment Size
de nære ting-F-x.mscz 17.8 KB


Add a vertical frame;
Copy the first verse (Ctrl + X);
Right-click in the vertical frame: Add-> text-> Ctrl + C;
Repeat the above steps with the second verse;
Select the second verse and drag it into place;
Repeat the above steps with the third verse;
Check the attachment ...

Attachment Size
de nære ting-F-xB.mscz 16.55 KB
36.png 52.41 KB

In reply to by Joe H

Wherever you want the text. If you want it before a given measure,. insert before that measure. If you want it at the end of the score, use append. As always, if you want more specific help, we really need you to attach your score and to describe more precisely what you want to d. Otherwise all we can do is answer generally or guess at what you want.

In reply to by Joe H

Once again, if you attach the actual sc ore, we can give you step by step instructions. As it is, we can only guess as to what you might be doing wrong. I'm going to guess you are not in fact right clicking the vertical frame when trying to add the horizontal one. Or that it *is* in fact being added, but you aren't seeing this because it is coming out the same size as the vertical frame by default (and you aren't noticing the handle that appears at the right). Hard to say for sure without seeing the score and precise steps to reproduce the problem, though.

In reply to by Joe H

Huh. In the first pages I did, I simply placed a text frame first. Maybe that is what I am doing wrong? I appended a vertical frame and then added two horizontals. But I failed to placed the text frame before I did those. Back to the drawing board.

In reply to by Joe H

To insert text in a horizontal frame, you need to right click, Add / Text. There won't be a cursor otherwise, because horizontal frames are also used for purposes other than text. So in your attachment, all you need to do is right click one of the horizontal frames, Add / Text, and type. Then do the same for the other.

Right now, though, you don't really have two columns. You have one horizontal frame that extends the full width of the page, and the other that extends from the left edge to the mid point. You need to move that smaller frame to the right - just drag it (it will snap to the right margin). You can do that either before or adding text to it. Probably easiest would be to do this *first*, before even adding the second horizontal frame.

So, in general:

1) add vertical frame
2) add a horizontal frame to that vertical frame
3) resize that horizontal frame to be only half the width of the page
4) move it to the right
5) add the second horizontal frame to the vertical frame
6) resize it

Then your two columns are set up and you can add the text. You can fine tune sizes later.

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