Hide Empty Staves - Randomly not working?

• May 6, 2011 - 04:02


This morning I was working on a hymn score which involves the piano beginning first, and the voice line coming four measures later. I used the "Hide empty staves" check mark under General Styles, which hid the four measures of rest like I wanted it to.

However, just a bit ago I opened the file to work on it again, and the measures were back. I hadn't done anything to change them, and the check box was still ticked... I've tried selecting the measures and deleting all contents, but they're already empty so that's not helping anything.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a glitch?

Attached are PDFs, from this morning and from a few minutes ago.

Thanks in advance for any help with this!

Attachment Size
We Bring Thanks to Jesus.pdf 205.81 KB
We Bring Thanks to Mother.pdf 212.98 KB


Unless I'm missing something, there are no empty staves in the second example. There were in the first because the first line contained fewer measures. But in the second, there is one more measure in the first line, and it contains notes in the top staff. Hard to say what changed to make MuseScore fit more measures the second time, but you can insert a manual line break to move that measure down to the next line - just select the barline you wish to end the line then hit Enter.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I guess I should have explained that what's happening in the second example (where the voice line as four measures of rests) is also what the score looked like before I checked the hide empty staves option... The first example is what it looked like after I checked it. Same number of measures, I was just trying to hide the four empty ones at the beginning of the voice line.

What's really strange now is that I just tried deleting the measures — it deleted them from both the voice and piano parts, so I undid it. Now, those four empty measures in the voice line are hidden again like I wanted them. Not sure what's going on... But I guess I found a workaround for it.

In reply to by cs_

I understood that that. But look at the second score you posted. Yes, you used the option to hide empty staves, but *there are no empty staves*, so there is nothing to hide. Not a single staff in that example is empty. Had there been an empty staff, I'm sure MuseScore would have been happy to hide it, but since every single staff had notes in it, there was nothing to hide. Like I said, you can *make* the top staff of the first system be empty by cutting it off after the fourth measure. But right now, there are notes on that top staff in the fifth bar, so MuseScore can't hide it - you'd lose those notes!

Perhaps what you are not understanding is that MuseScore only hides an empty staff if it really is empty on the whole line. It won't shuffle measures for you to *create* lines in which a staff is empty - you have to do that yourself. In the first example, with only four bars on the first line, it just happened to work out that the top staff of the first line really was empty, and in the second example, because the fifth measure was included, the top staff was *not* empty. Again, look at that second PDF - don't you see the notes in the fifth measure in that top staff? It's *not* empty, so it would be *wrong* for MsueScore to hide that staff. Only *completely* empty staves are hidden. So if you want the top staff of the line hidden, you need to move that fifth measure down a line so that the the first line will have a completely empty staff.

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