Problems with continuous view

• Apr 18, 2016 - 19:48
Reported version
S3 - Major

Attached piece was saved in continuous view. When loading it first, only the first measure is shown, other measures are empty.
If I toggle to page view and back to continuous view, it looks nearly fine, but the beams are misplaced.

BTW - baroque lute seems to be OK so far, except the vertical distance (see part with voice).

GIT commit: a254f68

Attachment Size
Ombra_mai_fu.mscz 37.01 KB


Status (old) duplicate active

Oops again. That's what I get for misunderstanding an issue title. Here things are "broken" in a general sense, but that issue is actually about "breaks." This is different, indeed.

Another example: It seems, as if the beams of all pages are collected around the first few measures in continuous view.

BTW - I couldn't see the broken measures of buggy.mscz . Probably some things have been changed since then. It opens up without note lines, but after toggling between page and continuous view, buggy.mscz looks good.

"I couldn't see the broken measures of buggy.mscz . Probably some things have been changed since then."
Indeed, this commit;… has improved some things today, but not completely (staves are not more broken now, but when we are in note input mode, things get weird from the second measure and followings)
I have not had time to dig the matter. I just think we must be a little patient until the issue is completely fixed.

No problem. I know, that such fixes need time. BTW - this evening the nightlies seem to have improved regarding stability (I managed to compile my first nightly from the git around 5 hours ago! ;-) ).

Indeed this problem seems to be fixed now, but my newest build now has other problems with continuus view. It seems as if - in all partitures there is a real gap before the first note of each new measure and the horizontal formatting doesn't seem to work in continuus view ... page view seems to be good btw.


The screenshot of a partiture with empty measures show, that probably the lines and maybe other parts are moved to the right (the red notes doesn't matter here).