Repeat Notation Windows XP/1.0

• May 18, 2011 - 03:35

After repeating the first 7 measures the player jumps to measure 9, instead of jumping to the next section.
Can this problem be fixed? File attached.
Don Thomas (aka Howard Newman)

Attachment Size
time_traveler_5-17.mscz 2.66 KB


boxes. Click and drag the right one, and you'll see a dotted line from that end of the Volta to the bar line that the program's internal invisible data says it belongs to. It's that invisible special data that you have to correct.

Start by dragging the right end of the Volta back to the bar line to which the dotted line points. Then go to the keyboard and hit Shift - Right Arrow a couple times to move both the dotted line and the end of the Volta to the correct bar line. Clean up by dragging the Volta handles to where they look right.

All this and more is in the Beginner's Quick Answers writeup. I'm revising it now, but the most recent version is in the Documentation forum in a thread called "Big Dumb Mistake" -- that was *my* mistake, BTW ;-)

-- J.S.

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