How to add new lines

• May 29, 2011 - 13:42

I'm brand new to musescore, and also not very in tune (no pun intended) with music terminology, which is probably why I can't figure out how to do this...

I've started punching in a song I want to learn (vocal), and it appears that by default, it added 6 lines (staff's?) for me to enter the notes on. I've gone as far as I can, but need more lines, rows, staffs (whatever you call them). I've tried to add measures, but all that does is squeeze everything up, which is not what I want.

How do I add new staffs (rows, or lines)?



Does "Append measures" add more empty measures (as it should) or not?

If you need more measure to add more notes after the ones you already entered, "Create | Measures | Append Measures" is the way to go.

If you need more staves to add more notes above or below the ones you already entered (but to be played at the same time as them) you should use "Create | Instruments".

If you need something else, possibly more details on what you want to achieve would be useful.


In reply to by Miwarre

Thanks. As is almost always the case, I can spend hours trying to figure something out, then after posting a question about it, I almost always find the answer within a few minutes of posting the question. I had found the "append measures" as stated earlier, and I needed measures, but didn't want them all squished up like that. I then found the "Break or spacer" function, and did a Google search and found that I can use the Break function to break the lines up the way I want them to be. I knew there had to be an answer.


In reply to by misterdls

Yes you may. And if I knew what I was looking for initially, I would have searched for it. But, as I explained, I'm not very "up" on music terminology, I'm learning. In fact, I found what I was looking for in the Handbook after doing a lot more searching. If my post bothered you, I apologize.


The new measures that are added are empty, so MuseScore can squeeze them all onto one line, but as soon as you start entering notes, it will spread out as you'd expect and take as many lines as there should be. And you can always tell MuseScore to stretch selected measures out further or squish them together more using the Layout->Add More/Less Stretch commands.

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