downloaded soundfonts not playing day of download

• Jun 28, 2011 - 23:25

Every time I have downloaded a soundfont, including those with all 128 voices and those downloaded from, it would not ever play the day I downloaded it. I have tried starting a new score (which works for some problems involving lack of available RAM), restarting the program, and restarting the computer, and none of these worked.

Operating system: Windows 7
Version of MuseScore: 1.0


But the day after you downloaded & configured MuseScore to use the soundfont, it starts to work? We'll need to find a way to reproduce this in order to fix it. So far, no one reported something similar.

Do you keep your soundfonts on a special place? Networked storage device perhaps?

In reply to by Thomas

I did go through one that just did not work, but it was from a different site. In response to your question, I keep all downloaded soundfonts in the sound folder in the program files for this program. And if this helps, I keep all of my .mscz/.mscx files on a flash drive.
note: MuseScore is the only music program/midi sequencer that I have on my system

In reply to by impinball

For reasons I can't begin to understand, it seems that MuseScore occasionally doesn't see changes made to its own folders on my system. I have, for instance, installed new style files and then had MuseScore keep using the old version. I've also had templates I could see and use from within MuseScore, but wouldn't show up in Explorer when browsing that same folder. For instance, see this:

I have to believe this is some sort of weird interaction between Qt and the normal disk caching done by Windows. But it's never repeatable for me.

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