The flat (b) signs are huge! (possible related to MAC OS)

• Jun 16, 2016 - 16:03

After I upgraded to El Capitan I have some problems while writing Chord Symbols; the flat signs (b) are abnormally large and there's spaces between the text that wasn't there before. This happens to old documents too when I load them. I attached a file that shows it.
Thanks in advance, cheers

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pinocchio.pdf 75.09 KB


Looks like you are using a non-standard font; do you have your own customized XML file to tell MuseScore how to render chord symbols in that font? Probably you need to manually tweak it to use the right glyph for the flat sign in that font.

Or - much easier - just switch to the standard "Jazz" chord symbol style provided by MuseScore rather than deal with custom fonts and manually editing XML files to support them.

In reply to by Enok90

No, not wierd - that's the non-standard font I figured you were using. No surprise it doens't work out of the box; MuseScore does not support such fonts unless you provide customized XML file to tell it where the various glyphs are and so forth.

So instead of trying to use an unsupported / non-standard font, just switch to the "Jazz" style in Style / General / Chord Symbols. This automatically forces the use of the MuseJazz font included with MuseScore, which can also be used for other text. This is the default if you use any of the Jazz templates, btw.

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