Alternative crotchet rest
How does one insert the crotchet rest that looks like a quaver rest mirrored? I understand that this is not the conventional way of scoring, but I would like to replicate old scores that have these.
How does one insert the crotchet rest that looks like a quaver rest mirrored? I understand that this is not the conventional way of scoring, but I would like to replicate old scores that have these.
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The glyph is in the symbols palette, you can make the regular quarter rest invisible and place that one from the symbole palette on top of it
In reply to The glyph is in the symbols by Jojo-Schmitz
I did not notice that --- thank you! But how do I select only crotchet notes of the entire score? Select -> All similar elements (of a crotchet rest) seems to select all rests.
In reply to I did not notice that --- by harkins2011
click+ ctrl-click + ctrl-click,... pretty painful, I know
In reply to click+ ctrl-click + by Jojo-Schmitz
But there's a glimmer of light in the future under this feature request:
In reply to click+ ctrl-click + by Jojo-Schmitz
This is a legitimate request. In line with the recent discussion on old-style versus H-bar multimeasure rests (, I think this would be another candidate to add to the list of active alternative rest shapes. Perhaps a 'rests style' dialogue in the context menu, or a series of checkboxes in the inspector?
See #332912: Old-style quarter rests