how to convert sheet music in audio or in mp3 in windows 10
I use MuseScore.2 and I have windows 10 . my question is that how to convert the sheet music into audio file or mp3 I tried saying but the file Save's as a PDF and not an audio file please help!!!!!!!
This may be a similar issue as
Could you tell us which language you are using MuseScore in? It is English, or some other language?
Please tell us as well which version of MuseScore you are using. If not MuseScore 2.0.3, upgrade first.
In reply to This may be a similar issue by Thomas
Shouldn't be the #47241: [Windows Vista] Export to midi or wav or MP3 only saves as a PDF, only XP and Vista had that problem, not 7 or later
Could still be a translation issue though, like #41496: MIDI exports as WAV, in which case updating translations should fix it