Copyright Infringement Shenanigans

• Aug 18, 2016 - 04:00

I uploaded a few scores that I had noticed missing a while ago, and recently found out that they had been removed due to copyright infringement? What's the deal with that? How can Alfred Music Publishing Inc. Remove scores that don't even appear on their website? And why did I get no response back when I disputed the claim? I worked a looong time on my Legend of Zelda medley, and I'd at least like to have it Back if it can't be seen on the site anymore.


The author of 'Legend of Zelda' probably is not dead more than 70 years, so still hold the copyright, either personally or via some publishing company like Alfred Music Publishing Inc.

Presumably you saved the file on your computer as well as on; you should still have that copy of course.

For more information on the basics of how copyright works, you might want to do some searching around online - none of us here are lawyers, and copyright doesn't work different for MuseScore than for anyone else. But in general, yes, according to international treaties, copyright owners can usually request other companies remove content from their web site if it violates copyright. For the US, see "Digital Millenium Copyright Act"; most other countries have something similar to comply with these treaties.

I worked a looong time on my Legend of Zelda medley....

On your 'Legend of Zelda' medley??? Hmmm. According to everybody but you, the copyright for that tune belongs to the Nintendo Corporation. Do you have a license from Nintendo Corp. to publish your own arrangement of their property?

Jeez, lighten up Recorder485. By "my", the guy was obviously just referring his hard work, whether mechanical transcribing, or creative arranging. I think we can all sympathize with his lamenting the loss, while acknowledging the legal requirements.

In reply to by MikeN

Jeez, I worked so haaarrrrd to break into that guy's house; I even had to buy a ladder and a crowbar and I coulda cut myself when I broke his window. Now the rotten creep complained to E-bay when I just tried to sell the stuff I got outta his joint and he got me thrown off the site! I WANT SOME SATISFACTION. It just ain't RIGHT, dagnabit!!

Theft is theft. What part of that do you have trouble understanding?

In reply to by Recorder485

Keep in mind that many of the MuseScore users are young people, often unaware or not knowledgeable about the concept of copyright. So let's use our energy to help those who need it to learn about copyright. If you do feel like wasting some energy though, pick up your running shoes instead.

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