
• Aug 22, 2016 - 22:11
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

There seems to be something with the sound in the most recent version of the music creator. (version 2.0) I'm not sure if it's always been a thing, but the volume of the program is very, very low. Unless there's a speaker or some kind of headphones, I can barely hear what is being played. I create music on a laptop, and that's really where I have the most issue with the sound.

GIT commit: 3c7a69d


For help using MsueScore, it is best to use the Support forum (Help / Ask for Help, from within MuseScore).

The overall volume for MuseScore's synthesizer is set in View / Synthesizer. It's set so that the loudest passages (marked "fff" in your score) will be just shy of clipping. Soifter passages will be correspondingly quieter, just as in real music. Also the Mixer and Play Panel windows can affect the volume of any particular instrument / score.

If you continue to have trouble, please ask for help in the Support forum and attach the specific score you are having problems with, and tell us the settings you have for the volume in the Synthesizer, Mixer and Play Panel windows.