Creating a lead sheet.

• Sep 7, 2016 - 15:57

I was trying to follow these instructions but apparently it is way out of date
I would like to create something with with chords and lyrics. I don't need a staff to add notes but I would like the chords to be displayed on a chart which can show the band how many measures to hold each chord. It doesn't seem like any of the templates can do that. Can you please point me to some documentation on how to do that?


In reply to by Shoichi

It says its for version 2.
I looked at that documentation and I opened the test document.
I see the chords C D E F, but I can't change them.
I see the lyrics but I can't change them, but I don't see how to place lyrics under or over the chords.
I don't see anything in the documentation about how to do this.

In reply to by Peter Pitchford

No, it clearly states:
MuseScore 1.1 contains a number of pretty significant improvements that directly relate to creating lead sheets. The original version of this tutorial was written for MuseScore 1.0, but this version of the tutorial has been completely revamped to take advantage of the new features. So be sure you are running version 1.1 or later.

The 'or later' certainly does include 1.2 and 1.3, but apparently not 2.0

The tutorial was written around the time of the release of 1.1 to take advantage of some new features that were added at that release. A good chunk of what it describes, however, are workarounds for things that are no longer necessary in 2.0. Which is to say, the way the tutorial describes creating lead sheets is the best that can be managed using 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3, but luckily, it *infinitely* easier to create good lead sheets with 2.0. You just have to ignore some of the stuff that the tutorial made you do to work around limitations that no longer exist. Definitely update to 2.0.3 ASAP and things will go much smoother. The list of improvements for lead sheets is pretty huge - flexible/automatic parsing and rendering of chord symbols, automatic spacing of chord symbols, native support for slash notation, flexible swing playback, and too many other improvements to begin to list.

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