Corrupted file, how to fix?

• Sep 11, 2016 - 11:14

I tried to upload a file, but I get this error:

"We're sorry but your score could not be processed. The file contains corruptions. Please fix the issues listed below or post your score in the forum so the MuseScore community can help you out.
Measure 3 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 102/96
Measure 44 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 17/16"

What causes this, and how to I fix it?


In reply to by Shoichi

We're sorry but your score could not be processed.

The file contains corruptions. Please fix the issues listed below or post your score in the forum so the MuseScore community can help you out. PLEASE HELPPPP
I come out as an error of 176/188
Please can you help me with this problem I do not understand the process

Attachment Size
aristide.mscz 59.42 KB

The name of the file implies that MuseScore crashed while working on it and recovered it on the next start, maybe that was how/when the corruption crept in?

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