Yet another thing (Drums)

• Sep 14, 2016 - 09:32

I've noticed that when on a drum staff, if I'm in note-entry mode rather than regular mode, the note input result is different. For instance, if not in note-entry mode and I have an empty measure, if I click on the measure's rest and press "C", I get a different note as a result than if I had have clicked on the rest, pressed "N" for note entry, and then pressed "C". Is this how it's supposed to be? In note-entry mode it seems to take into account the drum note shortcuts in the Drum Editor dialogue, but without being in note-entry it does something else. Hrm..


Pressing a note shortcut while note input works, but I wouldn't think of that as a normal way of doing something - more a backdoor that hasn't been closed. Which is to say, I wouldn't have any particular expectations about exactly what it does, and better to get in the habit of not relying on this, that's my opinion anyhow. FWIW, if I press a note shortcut on a drum staff while not in note input mode, I get *nothing* entered - it just enters note input mode. Are you seeing something different?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If I've already set up a measure and gone back and deleted something and then want to put a note somewhere in it, I have a tendency to just select the rest or note and use an A-G shortcut without pressing "N", which is how I found this strange behavior. I've been moving into using note-entry mode more though because of its necessity at times when working with multiple voices under certain circumstances.

It's interesting though, now that you mention it. On my Windows machine it does exactly that: it just enters note input mode when pressing a note shortcut. On the contrary, with my Linux machine it actually inserts a note and then switches to note-entry mode whether within a standard instrument or a percussion staff. Strange.

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