"append" only adds to the very end of the score
I am trying to append a text frame at the bottom of a page in my score. I know the "insert" function inserts an item before the selected note/measure. However, the append feature adds the text frame to the very end of the score, even if I have a measure selected. I feel like this is a bug, but is there something different I should be doing? (running 4.4.4 on MacOS)
Not a new issue. Once there was some efford being made for
Currently indeed only option 2 and 4 exist
In reply to Not a new issue. Once there… by Jojo-Schmitz
If they were to pick two, the most useful options to have would be options 2 or 3. If you are inserting a frame, it would stand to reason you are likely already on the page where you want the frame. I would more likely insert a frame after a measure I am looking at rather than go "I am on page 2 of 12. Let me add a text frame at the very end of the score". If I want to do that, I'll just click on the last measure of the score and append it there
In reply to If they were to pick two,… by natepul29
It's not wise though to remove an existing option (4)
In reply to It's not wise though to… by Jojo-Schmitz
I see it this way:
I would expect this to be the workflow change caused by using option 3 instead of option 4:
-make sure the user has selected the last measure if they want to put a frame at the end of the score
Whereas the workaround I had to do to accomplish the "append after measure" task in my almost finished score was as follows:
-squeeze another measure onto a full page
-use "Insert text frame" before that measure
-Delete the superfluous measure
All this while I surmise that the call for somebody to add a frame to the end of the score while not already on said page is very low
In reply to I see it this way: I would… by natepul29
Esp. for text frames I use that (option 4) quite often.
Being on said page is not enough, you need to have the last measure selected (with option 3).
In reply to Esp. for text frames I use… by Jojo-Schmitz
That is true, but what I meant to say (but omitted on accident) was selecting the last measure would be a very small task if you were on the last page of the score already.
Feel free to request this on GitHub, https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/new/choose
In reply to Feel free to request this on… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/26445
Hmm, for measures this has been done (that's the effort I remembered), it is just frames that are lacking this
Problem there is that there are 3 (soon 4) types of frames, So instead of 6 (soon 8) menu entries it'd be 12 (soon 16)
In reply to Problem there is that there… by Jojo-Schmitz
We have a new type of frame coming? What is it?
In reply to We have a new type of frame… by natepul29
For Fretboad diagrams
In reply to For Fretboad diagrams by Jojo-Schmitz
What the
In reply to What the by kenzleighgri
What do you mean
In reply to What the by kenzleighgri
what the beep
In reply to For Fretboad diagrams by Jojo-Schmitz
In reply to blah by camdynsut
shut up
In reply to shut up by camdynsut
In reply to no by kenzleighgri
In reply to For Fretboad diagrams by Jojo-Schmitz