Exported Scores Do Not Show Text Adjustments

• Sep 14, 2016 - 19:15

Hey, folks. I've had this issue for a while, hoping it would resolve itself with updates, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Changing the size of text exports and shows itself perfectly well, but if I try to bold, italicize, underline, etc. any text, it doesn't show up on the exported PDF. The text itself is there, but without any formatting that was applied to it in Musescore. Anybody know what the issue is? I'm assuming this is a problem specific to my copy rather than all of Musescore itself, because I've never seen anybody else talk about it, and it's a pretty big issue for anyone to let slide for this long! Thanks in advance.


In order to understand the problem and investigate the problem, we would need you to attach the score you are having problems with and give us precise steps to reproduce the problem. Also say what version of MuseScore and what OS. You're right that it must be something unique to your situation, because I've never heard of anyone else experiencing anything like this. Probably not your actual copy of MuseScore, but it could be some sort of corruption in your score, so incompatibility with some other software on your system, or perhaps just something you are doing incorrectly.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Right, sorry! That makes sense, should have thought about all that before. I've attached the score here, as well as a section of what it looks like in Musescore. I'm operating on Windows 8, with Musescore 2.0.3. As to replicate it, it's very straightforward. Have some text, and then italicize it or bold it or whatever you'd like. Export it as a PDF, and for me, the bold or italics don't show, just unedited text. Not sure why or how.

Attachment Size
Trois Pièces pour piano Letter.pdf 44.65 KB
In Musescore.png 107.88 KB

In reply to by Maximilian D. Miller

The score seems fine, and File / Export works just fine for me as well. Be sure to use that and not an unsupported third party PDF print utility - those are unreliable. Also, there could be some sort of font conflict on your system - I don't seem to have actually have whatever font you used, so I am not seeing the exact same thing as you. It could be the font you are trying to use is somehow non-standard in format and thus not fully compatible with all software.

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