denny favorite views

• Sep 23, 2016 - 05:28

transfer the upload a Sheet Music, and can quality forward block to Views favorite in oneself's music scripture ?


I'll try to answer your question. As briefly mentioned in our help center article on favorites, you can't add your own scores to your favorites. It's not possible on the website, nor in the mobile app. So you can only add scores from others to your favorites. Does this answer your question?

In reply to by Thomas

I do doubt to question rather in confused been, due to indeed this question to prescription, I ain't to make one to sequence favorite then score for me being enhance, I would not have anyone to join the list for my division of works .

In reply to by וארלה

Sometimes it's difficult to understand your concern (not least because the mix of English and French) - that's my opinion as non native English speaker. I can respect your attitude, that you won't write in Hebrew (but maybe in Yiddish - because I don't know the reason?).

But maybe you can attach a file or an image, that's more clear, what's your request (see on your reply below of the side how to attach a file)?

In reply to by וארלה

So I hope that I understand your request correct (because as you know English isn't my native language too).

You would like to upload your scores, and you would like to see the view counts of your scores, but you don't want that somebody can favorite your music. Is it right?

I don't believe, that's possible to deactivate the button "favorite". But I haven't no pro account, so I'm not sure. Maybe someone other in the forum can confirm or disagree.

And in case I understand your request correct: I don't think (and don't hope) you would like to have a possibility to dislike scores ;-)? Right?

In reply to by וארלה

Je veux avoir ce que peut de la dispense on éclaircir, aux bonnes manière du passages, je pourrais-ai deutsch un peu penser. Wie gefällt reden Wir Notenblätter die Personal auf sein bist liebt, um bestimmt der arbeiten sogar selbst, Kann ich das erwarten dem Web String für separat, doch austeilen Startrichtung..

In reply to by וארלה

Sorry, your attempts at a German translations is even less intelligible than your attempts at English.
And Google's attempt to translate your French into English doesn't make it any clearer to me either:
I want to have what can the exemption is clear, good way of passages, I could have a little think deutsch.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I can do better than Google on his French: "I want to have [try] something to clear things up and write phrases in a good way; I could try a little German." But that's a very 'liberal' translationt; the original is nowhere near that coherent.

Walla, this is getting a bit ridiculous. You must write at least one language well enough to make your question clear. Use that language. Someone here should be able to provide a good translation that we can understand.

In reply to by Thomas

I can't speak coutry of on where, and "I don't think so". is it right, my NATIVE languages of section a quite at current in execise, because my language hasn't in coutry for to official of proper, just I release the languages has not one for my the opposite number, of here are statut for them for me, I couldn't correct tell Native languages tongue for me for which .

In reply to by וארלה

First of all: You need not to apologize!

As other said: The best way is, to use this language, where do you think, you are most confident. No matter if it's French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Hebrew, Russian, Spain or another.

Use only this one language (don't use several languages together and mix them).

Use simple/short sentences (in English for example: "Is it possible to...", "I want to..." or "How can I..."; or similar sentences in French or another language).

But as I said and other mentioned, try to use this language, where do you think, you have the most vocabulary.

And use images to clarify your request (for example: one image, what is disturbing and an other, what do you think, how it should/could be = before and after pictures).

I believe here in the forum are a lot of users they are willing to help you (and it would be a pleasure ;-), once your request is clear.

with best regards

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