Local time signature change for a single measure.

• Oct 2, 2016 - 04:21


I need to mark in a time change of one measure's duration. I have a mark a change to 5/4 in the last measure of the A part of this tune, and then, right after the begin second repeat sign, I need to post a change back to common time. How do I do this?


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This isn't a "local time signature" iun the sense that MuseScore uses the term. A "local time signature" is one that affects only one staff or instrument while leaving the main time signature in effect for the other staves, so you are hearing two time signatures at the same time. That's not what you weant at all. What you are wanting isa a very ordinary time signature change that affects all staves - there just ahppens to only be one staff. So, don't hold "ctrl" while adding the time signature; that will screw up your score. Just add a normal 5/4. Best to add the common time to the following measure first.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Thanks. I was able to post the time change and the reversion back to 4/4 with no problems.
So far MuseScore has been equal to every demand I've made on it. With 62 pieces of music engraved and only a few to go, my publisher and I were able to talk about final details of the book today, and even the next one.


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