Selecting some notes and pasting onto another stave

• Oct 7, 2011 - 01:18

Hi, I am a new user on Mac 10.5.8, MuseScore 1.1 (rev 461).

I have imported a midi file into MuseScore. In this midi file strings play chords on one track. I have to arrange the notes between the standard four staves of strings.

I try to select notes on the top of the chord by cmd+clicking (the noted turn blue), then copy and paste on the other stave with no result.

I managed to copy the whole chord track four times - each time on each stave - and then have to manually delete the unneeded notes which is rather far too tedious.

Is it possible to select some notes on one stave and then paste them onto the other? If not is there any better way of doing this work?

Thank you!

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In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The expand plugin works pretty well, big thanks for that!

I found it a bit confusing one being able to select three notes of a five-note chord (turning the notes blue), pressing cmd+c, cmd+v and not getting anything pasted. I was wondering whether I was missing something or it was musescore's normal behaviour.

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