No playback with Musescore 1.1 in Ubuntu 11.04
Just recently upgraded from 1.0 to 1.1. The sound worked fine in 1.0. Now, the transport buttons are unclickable, and Display > Synthesizer is grayed out. I've tried resetting to default in Edit > Preferences, reinstalling it, using JACK, and running it from the command line with factory settings. Nothing's worked so far! Here's what my terminal looks like when I run Musescore:
Alsa_driver: the interface doesn't support mmap-based access.
init ALSA audio driver failed
init ALSA driver failed
init audio driver failed
sequencer init failed
registerPlugin: add action idx 7
Load plugin: no menu property
preferences.checkUpdateStartup: 720
lastupdate: 22.10.2011 22:34:37.113
I've run apt-get build-dep musescore (and mscore, it redirects to musescore), and I've installed qsynth and timidity, and have several soundfonts installed. Any ideas on how to solve this?
Add a shadow post in the MuseScore bug tracker on Launchpad perhaps and link to this one. Always good to bring this to the attention of other Ubuntu users more downstream.
In reply to Add shadow post by Thomas
In reply to Done! by iancboswell
If you don't need Jack, don't use Jack. Unselect Jack, unselect ALSA, and select portaudio only. Restart MuseScore. If you don't have sound, go back to Preferences -> I/O and change the portaudio driver and / or interface.
In reply to If you don't need Jack, don't by [DELETED] 5
Portaudio is grayed out on the I/O panel, even though I have the following libraries installed:
Make sure you have "snd_seq" in your /etc/modules. My /etc/modules looks like:
Also, after starting mscore 1.1, go to preferences, I/O, unclick JACK, and change the ALSA device from "Default" to "hw:0"
The complete process:
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libsndfile-dev
sudo apt-get install qtcreator
download the mscore 1.1 source, then unpack, then go to where you unpacked and run:
make clean
make release
sudo make install
add the "snd_seq" to your /etc/modules and reboot.
start mscore, go to preferences, I/O and uncheck everything on the first level, check "Use internal synth" and "ALSA Audio".
change the Alsa device to "hw:0"
close mscore and restart it.
In reply to Make sure you have "snd_seq" by jamh
It works! Thank you so much for your help :)
In reply to Make sure you have "snd_seq" by jamh
I had exactly the same problem with musescore 1.1 on linux mint 9 and the above steps fixed it! Now the sound works fine. Thanks a lot for this!
In reply to Make sure you have "snd_seq" by jamh
Thanks jamh that also fixed the sound on muscore on 11.04, AMD64 using the instructions above
though the "snd_seq" mod appears unnecessary.
However It sill will not share the sound device with other apps like the Ubuntu musecore 1.0 build did.
By the way install cmake before "make release"
The make error messge does not make its absence obvious.
sudo apt-get install cmake
In reply to Make sure you have "snd_seq" by jamh
I dont understand. Why isnt this done by default when installing musescore?