more than a single repeat

• Oct 13, 2016 - 00:37


I like to write out scores that I then have my piano students practice alongside. Its pretty cool b/c they can, for instance, change the tempo as they get better by just clicking on the tempo marking and making it faster. It great for student practice b/c musescore plays while highlighting the notes its playing ... hopefully my students are playing the same thing at the same time :-).

Issue is, I'd like them to be able to repeat something in a score some arbitrary number of times during practice. Is there a way to say "repeat this section 10 times"? Couldn't find anything when searching about this.




Have you tried loop mode?
This feature loops until stopped, so one can't specify, for example, "10 times", but it's a good practice aid nevertheless.

P.S. Also, there was some talk on the forums about being able to set a gradual increase of the tempo for each playback iteration in loop mode, but there wasn't a confluence of opinion. What do you think about something like this? As a teacher, please add your thought(s) here:


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