Accidentals in Chord Symbols
How do you enter accidentals next to chord names when adding them above the staff? I want to indicate a B-flat or F-sharp chord above the piano staff. Also, how do you type on the keyboard to indicate chord symbols as Major or Minor, and inversions (middle, backward).
See, just enter b and #, those will turn into flat and sharp automatically
As mentioned, "b" and "#" for flat and sharp. As for major and minor, MuseScore recognizes all of the standard abbreviations. For major, that includes M, Ma, Maj, ma, maj, and a triangle (which you can enter as "t" or "^". For minor, that includes m, mi, min, or "-". The standard way to indicate inversions is with a slash followed by the desired bass note: eg, C/E for a C chord in first inversion. Not sure what "middle" or "backward" mean in this context.