How to combine Bass Clef and Bass tabs together?
Is it possible to combine the bass clef and bass tabs together? As there is an option to choose guitar and tabs together. So when you write (guitar)tabs, the programme will also write which notes these are. I want to know which notes I'm playing when I do know the tabs. Is there an option for this?
go to "Instruments" (Shortcut "I") and choose "Bass guitar" as second instrument.
Select all measures in TAB, copy (STRG-C) and past it in the new bass guitar staff.
In reply to Hello, go to "Instruments" by [DELETED] 1307581
Thanks very much! This worked right away!
Like this?
- With linked staves (and "simple" Tab type): Bass.mscz
- No linked staves (you have to have to copy-paste), and with "common" Tab type: Bass1.mscz
In reply to Like this? - With linked by cadiz1
Thanks a lot! Now I have a template I can use next time!
See, it should descibe how to add a tab staff to a normal staff
In reply to See by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks! Very useful!
Thanks all! My problem's solved!