Change treble clef to percussion clef

• Nov 11, 2016 - 16:04

I've noticed that MS does not allow you to change a treble clef (say) to a percussion clef, even if you have a drumset loaded into the staff. Before you can change the clef you have to go into "Advanced style properties" for the staff, chose a percussion template and press "reset to template".

Would it be better to automatically load the 5-line percussion template when the instrument is changed to a drumset?


To clarify. When the user changes percussion staff to a standard staff, and vice-versa, the "Template" options (Advanced style properties) should be refreshed and an appropriate one applied so that the clef changes as well.

At the moment if you change the instrument from piano to drumset (say), the new "Template" options (Advanced style properties) do not automatically appear.

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