Addictive Drums 2 export to MuseScore

• Nov 16, 2016 - 14:42

ADD2 has a huge library of beats that is a true gem for learning musician.

However it's export is realy tricky - it does store notes, but the format of ADD midi mapping is suitable only for it's own purpose. So as far, i was able to drag and drop beat to musescore and it come like this:

Tracks were for piano, not drums. Notes were odd. I guess there some mapping in ADD itself bacause you can select different scheme and it will export to beats different notes but i did not find suitable mapping - ADD has a huge amount of variation of each drum inside own library and each one of them coded via midi note.

So converted instrument (via staff properties) to drum, saved it to MIDI and reopen it (because it was still in notes scale, ie C3/D6/... , not in drum notation ie Hihat/Snare/...).


Notes started to look like drums but mapping was still wrong. The were cowbells instead of open hihats and so on but generally picture started to look much better

If there ay chance to fix mapping or transform all notes of one single drum instrument notes to other? I've searched this forum and did not find any way for search and replace "hi-mid tom" to "hihat"


Well, you can easily edit the appearance of the notes - see the Handbook under "Drum notation" to learn how to customize the drumset definition. But if you want to hear the playback uing the same sounds that this third non-standard party program uses, best bet would probably be to find a soundfont that uses those same mappings rather than the standard General MIDI ones, then install it as described in the Handbook under "Soundfont". Or, use a MIDI editor to do a search and replace I guess.

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