Staff Text Disappearance

• Nov 16, 2016 - 16:42

The following is all about disappearing Staff Text when using the Hide Empty Staves feature of MS. MS does not seem to recognize that a staff is not really empty when there is Staff Text that has been created by clicking on a measure in that empty- of -music- notes staff, then " add text/staff text". I did not know this when I did 300+ pages of score and then found that if I use H.E.S. feature, the text disappears as well as the actual staff. Is this not a bug??? Is there some way to command MS to hide empty staves but not the text that goes with them??????????????


Hmm, looks like a bug to me.
Same for chord symbols, rehearsal marks, breath marks and probably much more. Seems it got to be notes and notes only that trigger the staff to remain visible when using Hide empty staves.

It seems though that in the nightly builds this works more or less as expected, so that bug might have been fixed meanwhile

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I wouldn't say it was a bug exactly - it was probably designed from the beginning to work that way. But indeed, I think most people prefer text to stay, so we did change this for the next major release of MuseScore (which probably won't be ready for quite some time, so I wouldn't wait for this before continuing your work).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ye. I think I half-heartedly argued for including this fix in 2.0.3, on the theory that probably no one *really* likes the current behavior, but it *would* represent a change, and we're trying to minimize the visible changes between 2.0.2 and 2.0.3. I guess if we do end up calling the next minor release 2.1 instead of 2.0.4 and allow some other more significant changes, we could revisit this - at least it doesn't actually break compatibility in any way. It just means scores that rely on the 2.0.3 behavior won't look correct in 2.0.4 and vice versa.

For the record, here is the discussion on the possibility of merging into the 2.0.3 branch:

In reply to by delhud2

Copy from (1.3) staff text and paste into (2.0) system text is what you do, right?
But copy from staff text and past into text frame is too much?
A text frame won't vanish with 'Hide empty staves', and would automatically have as much space vertically as needed. You'd still need to do the linefeeds manually though

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, I already did go back to the 1.3 file and copied and pasted the text into a the Frame that was already in 2.0.3! (From 1.;3) It was buggy , Just one line of text appears and trails off to the right on the next page and disappears. I tried tha operations of Ctr + R etc. but it did not fix it.

In reply to by delhud2

Unfortunately, different operating systems handle line breaks differently when copying and pasting between different programs - and 1.3 and 2.0 are different programs. If copying and pasting directly between 1.3 and 2.0 loses the line breaks, you might try first copying into Notepad or some other program to see if it keeps the line breaks, then copying from there. This kind of stuff is mostly out of MuseScore's control.

In general, copying and pasting multi-line text from 1.3 to 2.0 *should* work, but I also find it doesn't for me. Testing with Notepad, it seems that it is 1.3 that is at fault here - the line breaks are lost when copying from 1.3 whether pasting into Notepad or into MuseScore 2. Whereas if I copy *from* MuseScore , it works copying into Notepad. Thus, it seems that here again, 2.0 has improved upon 1.3, but unfortunately that doesn't really help if you've already entered text into 1.3.

Still, you might use Notepad to massage the text, adding the necessary line breaks there, then copying from Notepad to MuseScore 2.

In reply to by delhud2

FWIW, unless some conductor has specifically asked for a condensed score, don't assume that is what they want. Most conductors work from full scores, not condensed ones - it's much easier to follow which instrument is which. Condensed scores are normally used only for publishing in collections for study (and usually in small print editions), not for actual use.

As for how text works with "Hide empty staves", it's important to realize there are other reasons people use that feature, and for some of those other use cases, you would *want* the staff & text to disappear. One such example: creating a dummy staff to attach annotations to - text you use to make notes to yourself or other people with whom you are sharing the MSCZ file with but don't intend to actually show up on the printed score.

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