Pedal markings that move around on their own

• Nov 18, 2016 - 19:33

I'm having the odd experience of pedal markings that have moved around on their own each time I open the score. I drag them back to where they're supposed to be but the next day they've moved again. If they've moved over to the previous page it's like they're not even there because they can't be grabbed to drag back, or delete, or make invisible, or anything. When I put the cursor on them all I get is the 4 pointed arrow like when you click on an empty spot on the score to drag it around. Anybody know what's going on and especially how to get those markings dragged back that have moved to a previous page?


Try to right-click on one of them;
Select all similar items;
They have been entered correctly?
(eg .: clicking on the first note;
Hold down Shift and use the right arrow to select the interval;
Double-click on the symbol in the palette)


Could you attach the score here?

In reply to by Shoichi

See Piano II of the attached score. The pedal markings for measures 111-115 have all moved out of place. The one that is in the margin of page 7 can't be dragged back. The pedal marking that starts at the bottom of page 5 and crosses over to the bottom of page 6 should be way over at the bottom of page 7 starting at the second half of measure 136 and ending at measure 139 but can't be dragged back over there. The pedal marking starting at measure 135 really starts at measure 132 and shouldn't extend into the margin to get to measure 136.

Attachment Size
FM Symphony No. 4, 1st Mvmt.mscz 57.09 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

I can't download your attachment because of a previous problem I posted here about my computer wanting to put all MS downloads into Version 1.3 and of course I get an error message stating that it's too old. I've deleted/uninstalled Version 1.3 by way of the Control Panel, but it's apparently still hiding somewhere. However, i tried the Select All Similar Elements then Ctrl+R and everything went back into place. Thank you.

In reply to by Shoichi

The only options I have when I right click on the downloaded file are:
1. Open
2. Always open files of this type
3. Show in folder

There is no "Open with" or "Save".

If I click on "Open" it tries to open it in Version 1.3 and crashes.

In reply to by hmscomp

I don't have installed Windows 10 on my system, but try the following:

- open settings
- select system
- select default apps
- choose default application by file type
- go on the left side of the window to the file type ".mscz" (I hope this is there ;) and choose on the right side Musescore 2.x (or similar)

I hope that works.

See also this video tutorial (especially from 1:25 to 2:25):

In reply to by hmscomp

Concerning the problem to open the file:

You should also be able to open the file if you save the file, open MuseScore, then open the file in the menu File->open.

I suggest to solve this you've to change the file association on your OS.

Not sure which OS you're using, for Windows 10 something like this could be helpful for example:…

Thank you so much, I am searching for piano pedalling at my school and I want to write in my researches about your teachings and talks

In reply to by Millydelev

If you find the problem persists, please attach the score you are having trouble with and precise steps to reproduce the problem. There have been a couple of other reports of specific scores where markings move around on their own and I think we partially understand the issue, but seeing another case could still help.

In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, I see that score, but that is the score *after* the problem has already occurred, so we can't actually see anything move. We'd need to see a score in the state *before* the problem occurs, and then see precise steps to reproduce the problem from there.

The similar problems we have already seen and at least partially understand are related to cases where the layout of the measures themselves also changes - so that before saving, a given measure is on one system, but on save and reload, the measure moves to another system. The issue with pedals is kind of by-product of that more fundamental issue. Hard to say if that is also the case here or not.

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